


An appraisal is a professional appraiser’s opinion of value. The preparation of an appraisal involves research into appropriate market areas; the assembly and analysis of information pertinent to a property; and the knowledge, experience, and professional judgment of the appraiser. Appraisals may be required for any type of property and the reasons for performing a real property appraisal are just as varied.

Broker Price Opinions (BPOs)

The broker price opinion (BPO) is a popular way of estimating the value of a property. It is generally used by financial institutions in situations when it’s believed the expense and delay of an appraisal is unnecessary.

Broker Price Opinion (BPO)
Automated Valuation Models (AVMs)

Automated Valuation Models (AVMs)

Automated valuation model (AVM) is the name given to a service that can provide real estate property valuations using mathematical modeling combined with a database. Most AVMs calculate a property’s value at a specific point in time by analyzing values of comparable properties.

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